Hey Old Friend - Five Characters from Musical Theatre I would want as a Friend

We all know that this year has been at the very least utter garbage but there has at least been one silver lining for me: I have made a brand new group of friends, all of whom are just as obsessed with Musical Theatre as I am! 

After however many months without seeing something on stage, we have planned to see a real-life show in a real-life theatre in about 6 weeks time - I cannot wait! But while we wait, it got me thinking if we were able to interact with characters from our favourite shows, who would I want as a friend. 

I got the idea from one of my favourite YouTubers, Anime America, and the similar video she did with anime characters; and I'm going to be doing it like she would in that I will be talking about which ones I would get along with.

So here we go!

#1 - Grantaire from Les Mis. It's safe to say that a lot of characters from Les Mis would need an extra friend in their life, but out of all of them, why have I chosen Grantaire, I hear you ask? Well who doesn't love a friend who after only a bit of alcohol in their system becomes the life and soul of the party, while you sit back and let the madness happen. There's never a dull moment in the ABC Café when this guy is around!

Credit: https://giphy.com/gifs/mushu-genie-DcCcyWVDeKMec
#2 - Ever since my uni days I've had a bit of a travel bug, and the trip I went round Europe last year heightened that even more (holy crap it's been a year since then already!)... well that is unless there is a global pandemic going round.... But if there was one character who would be an awesome travel buddy it would have to be The Genie from Aladdin. He can send you to anywhere in the world in an instant; Tokyo to Sydney to New York - no problem whatsoever for this guy! Plus after being locked in a lamp for 10,000 years, he would be up for anything - including seeing every sight and trying every type of food! 

#3 - On a slightly more serious note, we all need someone who we can turn to when we have any worries, problems or boy trouble - if it is someone who can make us crack up later and make us feel a little better for the time being, even better. That is why Paulette from Legally Blonde is the type of person I love to have in my life. She managed to stop Elle from making a huuuge mistake when they had barely even met, and from then on Elle is stuck to her like glue. I don't blame her to be honest. Paulette may be wacky but I know she will able to give me a sound ear, a shoulder to cry on and a huge tub of ice cream when I've had a bad day and need some good advice. 

#4 - If you know me well, you know that I have a sweet tooth and love to eat EVERY YUMMY THING! And that I have been doing a lot of baking since lockdown began. With that in mind, why would I NOT want Jenna from Waitress as a friend? She can take just a couple of ingredients and pull off scrumptious looking pies from a recipe she imagined off the top of her head! I'm getting so hungry now....! 

#5 - My final pick is a fellow otaku - everyone knows that I am a HUGE nerd! Yes I could go with Eugenius for this, but I chose the one who frequently quotes Disney, has a Star Wars backpack and imagines Hobbits as part of his conscience...! I think Elder Cunningham from The Book of Mormon and I would get on like a house on fire! We'd go to conventions, queue at midnight for the next Star Wars or MCU film, have a Disney marathon with far too many snacks.... See, perfect fit! 

Credit: https://giphy.com/gifs/book-of-mormon-ben-platt-nic-rouleau-ncVsmcVT4UMTe

Well I think that sounds like a well-rounded and fun fivesome? Who do you wish was real so they can be your pal?

Also I would like to dedicate this piece to the group of friends that I have come to know during lockdown. I would have gone round the twist without every one of you 😘
