Review: Legally Blonde, at Regents Park Open Air Theatre, London

I, like many, have missed seeing Legally Blonde. It's one of my favourite guilty pleasure shows after all. And for those who have missed our bubble-gum pink-loving law student, you're in luck as a bold revival has opened at Regents Park Open Air Theatre. 

Ever since this show was announced, the HYPE was REAL! And then the casting announcement went virtually viral for how inclusive it is: Paulette, Vivienne and Emmett were all played by people of colour: we had a non-binary Enid: we had the first ever trans/non-binary actor to ever play Margot in Isaac Hesketh (RENT): and of course a plus-size woman of colour to play Elle. 

(Oh and I should say them being played by a person of colour etc does not affect the actors are seen or portrayed as: the only exception maybe being Enid's lines, but they're among a lot of the line changes to bring Legally Blonde into 2022 anyway eg: Brooke being a TikTok sensation). 

Anyway, where was I...? Oh yes! 

Like I said, the HYPE was real for this one. 

Directed by (now Tony-winner!) Lucy Moss, the show has opened to a mainly positive reception (but Lett's not mention the shocking one shall we). And it was a no brainer to watch with the theatre tribe. 

Now I should remind people in saying that this is a BOLD revival. Regents Park over the years have loved thinking outside the box, and with that I'm not sure this revival could be staged anywhere else. It fits so well with them. 

They really went for it in terms of bright and bold; from the pink stage and curtain made to look like Elle's braids, to the block colour palettes of the costumes: Elle and her Delta Nu Greek Chorus are in pink: the Harvard students are in muted beige and mossy green: Paulette and her co-workers are in bright orange. 

And then, I will admit, you have the dogs, with humans in dog costumes like in CATS, that is a bit nightmare-fuel-y...

Some of the creative choices I can understand some people may have a few questions about, but you can all agree with the fun and energy that the production brings to the... well, I can't say room can I, it's outdoors!

Now let us address the pink elephant in the room shall we - this incredible cast. 

To me, Courtney Bowman (Everybody's Talking About Jamie) is a revelation as Elle. She was funny, she was witty, she was ditzy; but she also had incredible heart and was strong in her convictions and looking after her friends. Plus I cannot begin to describe how inspiring her casting is: I may be white, but I am a plus-size, curvy size 16 woman. To see plus-size representation in a part that is traditionally played by the cookie-cutter size 10.... Wow it meant so much. 

But she wasn't the only knock-out here, oh no. Lauren Drew (SIX) as Brooke was a machine; Whipped Into Shape got one of the biggest cheers of the show, and that was down to Drew being able to jump and skip with a skipping rope whilst belting her face off at the same time...! 

As Emmett, Michael Ahmoka-Lindsay (The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe) gets to flex out a little more, and show himself off; Emmett has a lot more to do than RENT's Benny. He had a decent chemistry with Bowman, and I did like that he was much-more of a street-smart Emmett (compared to my last one Jon Robyns, who was more of an otaku Emmett). 

And of course, I HAVE to mention Nadine Higgin, who plays my favourite character in the show, Paulette. 

She had impeccable comic timing, and that was from her facial expressions alone, let alone her already wonderfully-written lines. It was impossible not to laugh between her scenes trying to talk to the very shy Kyle for example; but you did also feel her hurt from what happened to her. Her Ireland was definitely not played just for laughs; in fact it gave me the chills that something like I Know Where I've Been does. Needless to say, I loved her. 

If you are looking for a fun, camp and inclusive show this summer, I cannot recommend Legally Blonde enough. 

Especially as Regents Park have been working really hard to bring in new audiences to their shows. It is a favourite among theatre-goers for a reason: it's thanks to this we have the likes of Heathers, Mean Girls and Beetlejuice after all. 

Preferably, go with friends like I did. Definitely worth digging around for something pink... Enjoy the themed cocktails, have a dance in your seat. 

And bring sun cream and glasses... oh BOY was it a HOT matinee when I saw it. I felt sorry for the guys in the dog costumes.... 
